Junk traders, sellers, and lovers, have I got a great piece of news that will delight you! 123exchanges.com is the latest and one of the coolest market place for anyone to sell and buy second hand stuff. Sellers or buyers can take their pick from the various categories available: cars/auto parts, furniture/appliances, clothing/accessories/ jewelleries, electronics/cell phones and much more. Simply put, 123exchanges is a classified advertisement site that connects buyers and sellers through video.
123exchanges works by starting the process of selling or buying in three easy steps. For sellers, you could start selling your second hand stuff on 123exchanges by following their three simple steps: record your product, list the product, and sell the product. By recording your product, it actually means that you’re supposed to make videos that advertise your products. You should also list the product so that it would be easier for buyers to search for it under the categorized list. Failure to do so will result in a lesser number of people who will stumble upon your item.
For buyers, they could respond to any videos they’re interested in by searching for the specific items under the listed categories, watch the videos when they’ve found it, contact the seller immediately, and finally reach an agreement with the seller and do some transaction. A buyer second option is to exchange something else for the product that they’re interested in by contacting the seller about your exchange offer, reach an agreement together, and finally do some exchanging (in this case, ‘exchange’ refers to the process of trading a product for a product between the buyer and the seller upon mutual agreement).
Selling your second hand stuff by using a video online will definitely earn you more buyers and profits. Since people are more lured into something that is visual which they could see with their own eyes, having a video will make people more interested in clicking and viewing the items sold. More successes can be easily achieved with videos, case in point? It’d be YouTube. Also, by advertising your products with videos, you’ll give the potential buyers a better preview of the items. With 123 Exchange video advertising, you’ll save more on time and cost.
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