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Monday, October 26, 2009

WantedWants a classified site dedicated to free wanted ads

WantedWants.com is a user-focused free online classified site dedicated to wanted ads, free advertising and free classified ads around the USA and the world. WantedWants is one of very few classified sites that allows you to post and search hundreds of colleges around America. WantedWants.com is different from other classified sites in three main areas:

1. Dedicated to Wanted Ads.
WantedWants.com is the first site dedicated to Wanted Ads. At WantedWants.com, you post what you want and sellers come to you. Instead of spending hours (and days, months) looking for a desired item or service, you simply post what you want and the sellers contact you.

2. Secure Posting.
Through WantedWants.com's secure posting, the site enables users to freely post items wanted and For Sale without any unwanted spam or solicitation emails.

3. Classified Preview.
WantedWants.com's smart classified layout allows users to preview item descriptions and images without opening each listing- saving users time and effort.

These are three great reasons to give WantedWants a try. Be sure to explore the site and discover the active and open discussion Forums, WantedAlerts, and the ability to Feature your ad. Join thousands of others that use Wantedwants on a daily basis.

WantedWants.com; Want it. Post it. Get it. The site has got popularity in the USA, Indian, Nepal, Pakista and the Philippines. Current alexa ranking is around 150k