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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Gumtree has opened its US chapter

Gumtree.com, the very much popular free classified website of the UK has started its US mission. Very recently kijiji the popular Canadian free classifieds entered in the US market. Now another famous classifieds gumtree is in the fight to grab US traffic.

So it may be anticipated that one day craigslist's monopoly in the field of free classifieds will be challenged.

Following are 3 US sites of gumtree:


Vlad said...

n someone please tell me where I can find a huge list of free classified sites?? I particularly am looking for those yellow paged sites.. The ones where its easy to post ads.. gothichero@hotmail.com

blog_master said...

There are a few emerging ones that I know of:

1) http://toronto.khrido.com/
2) http://calgary.khrido.com/
3) http://chennai.khrido.com/
4) http://ottawa.khrido.com/

Enam said...

Jaiyant Cavale,
Your answer is here >>

Unknown said...

I signal this classified web site: Tao01.com

USA Classified Ads

Enam said...

Finally gumtree has closed it's USA chapter giving a favor to it's partner site kijiji.
More details here .. Gumtree quits USA market